Shahi Paneer Recipe

Sure, here is a recipe for shahi paneer, a delicious North Indian dish made with paneer (Indian cottage cheese) and a creamy tomato-based gravy:


250g paneer, cut into cubes

2 tbsp ghee or oil

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 onion, finely chopped

2-3 garlic cloves, minced

1 inch ginger, grated

2 green chillies, slit lengthwise

2-3 ripe tomatoes, pureed

1/2 tsp red chilli powder

1 tsp coriander powder

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

1/2 tsp garam masala

Salt to taste

1/2 cup heavy cream

Fresh coriander leaves for garnishing


Heat the ghee or oil in a pan on medium heat. Add the cumin seeds and let them splutter.

Add the chopped onion, minced garlic, grated ginger, and slit green chillies to the pan. Sauté until the onions turn translucent and the mixture becomes fragrant.

Stir in the tomato puree until completely combined. Simmer for a few minutes, or until the tomatoes soften and the mixture thickens.

Add the red chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, garam masala, and salt to taste.Cook for a minute or two after well mixing.

Stir in the cubed paneer carefully, being careful not to break the paneer cubes. Sauté for a few minutes, or until the paneer is well heated.

Stir in the heavy cream well. Continue to cook for a few minutes more, until the sauce thickens and the paneer absorbs the flavours.

Serve hot with naan, roti, or rice and garnished with fresh coriander leaves.

Enjoy your delicious shahi paneer!

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